Monday, September 23, 2013

Making things hard is easy.

Lets face it. Everything has to be done in a tedious, complicated, annoying, and just plain out hair pulling way. Why? Because that's just the way it has to be. Or at lest that how we feel. When you look at it things are often just hard because in my opinion we always try to make it that way. Why. Because we make ourselves think it will be effective. Let face it if the bureaucrats made government forms easy then it wouldn't look like they weren't doing their job. Its this if its smart it has to be complicated mentality. Or at least that's how I look at it.

Then again is making things more complicated easier for the people who make, oh lets just say the requirements for your scholarship weren't in detail as to how many credits you need right then so when its to late you don't get that money you need. If you can't already tell I'm a bit annoyed right now and that last passage probably explains why.

If they would have sent me an e-mail sooner before the day I left for school, and told me exactly what I need when I needed it I would be in this jam. If they said things in detail that would have made it easy to understand then I would be fine. It said I needed 14 credits for a scholarship for winter semester so I thought I needed 14 credits during that semester when in reality I needed them now. "Well thanks for telling me oh... NEVER!"

Why is it complicated? Because its easier not to make it. It seems things have to be hard simply because they're expected too, and it is sometimes easier too. Not to mention how some people do it because they think if its not complicated it's apparently not good enough. We need to shake this mentality from our minds and focus on making things simple, and effective.

How awesome would it be if anyone could learn how to use a new operating system off the back? How great it would be to send in your taxes without a head ache? Hell how many headaches would you get if things were simple yet still effective as ever? To me that sounds more like a fairy tale then something that could actually exists.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A site for you.

I got in a conversation earlier today with a fellow student from the U.K.. I mentioned that I disagree with her countries methods on gun control. She , to no surprise, mentioned that she believe no one should own guns. She also mention that statistics says otherwise. This is both true, and untrue. It is true that the United States has a higher murder rate than most, and I believe all, of Europe. That being said she is not entirely right that banning guns prevents murder. Check this out for yourself.

Go to the site on this ling and look up Switzerland, and the U.K.. Notice how their gun murder rates are similarly low, the difference though? Switzerland allows its civilians to have guns. Fell free to research other countries as well. One things for sure the U.S. does not have the highest gun murder rate in the world. In fact its one of the lowest on a chart on the first page. Look around a bit, and if you have any doubts there are listed references at the bottom of the page.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Syria, why the hell are we the only ones who will deal with it?

With all this turmoil in Syria I got to thinking. Why is my country the only one who really wants to get involved in Syria? I appreciate the support of the U.K. and France, and any other European country, which sorta surprises me but good.

O.K. here's a better question. Why isn't the U.N. sending in people? Yeah that's right they looked into it, but in the end shouldn't it be the U.N.s job to go in and stop the senseless killing of civilians? Oh yeah that's right we're talking about a socialistic version of the Breakfast Club who didn't find it important to get involved in things like oh Rwanda, and basically the rest of Africa, and Bosnia which by the way the killing was ended when U.S. forces finally put some bullets into some heads and not trying to talk negotiate with people who don't give a rats ass. The same goes to the U.E.. They couldn't even shoot to save civilian life, and often would be held hostage at times.

You see what I'm getting at? YOu have these organizations for peace who aren't will to give the ultimate answear to a problem. Yeah I don't think we should go into Syrai, but I would feel a lot more confrotable doing so if the U.N. would pull up their frilly stocking, stop their master plan for a global domonation, sorry, I mean global goverment for just two seconds we could end this who problem all together at a substantial rate.

Yes I do believe in diplomacy before action, but when innocent civilians are dies on purpose, well then something needs to be done, and it needs to be an cruiser missile blowing the shit out of who ever though gassing innocent civilians was a good idea. If they give up their chemical weapons FINE! Lets stay out of this, but if not the U.N. needs to actually do its freaking job for once.