Sunday, October 5, 2014

Don't Panic; Panicking Makes Things Worse

We have all heard it. Some idiot brought Ebola onto U.S. soil. Let say two things. First and for most thanks to our president for reducing the CDC's ability for be able to prevent this in the first place with his scrapping of regulations back in 2010. Secondly don't panic.

Yeah I've heard a good amount of people saying they're worried, but I'm not. Why? Well for starters we still caught it early it seams. Add in the fact that we have a much more sanitized society than Africa, and the virus is not air born, so yeah I'm not freaking out yet, and why should I. When people panic there really is nothing but chaos.

Take the fall of the housing market leading into the slumping economy. Things started to hurt at first yet, but what really killed the economy is getting idiots yelling about burring your money in the ground and not spending  a cent to save themselves and crap like that. What did that do. People panicked, didn't spend their money, and with the lack of spending the economy tanked. What could have been an easier descent ended up being a thumble.

When people freak out problems arrise. Don't panic, and we can join together to sovle the problem. Create and spread it and then you have to worry about the original problem, plus the panic, and the aftermath of the panic.

By all means we need to be vigilant. We all have worry, and there are things we need to be aware, and worried about. Like Hilary for 2016. Though worried about that I am, educing panic will only create and open wound.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dept Free! Or Am I?

Today I took the liberty of paying off my student loan in full. It wasn't a very large student loan, but it still hurt might I add. I spent almost $2000 in one day. That's the most I've ever spent at once so far in my life. Still though that's something off my chest that I will never have to worry about anymore. I've done good staying out of dept, and will continue to do so since dept is basically making you slave to the lender in many ways. But am I truelly dept free?

Credit card is always paid off at the end of the month, loan was just taken care of, and I haven't lost any bets so how could I be. Well in all due respects I am, but in another way it seams that I might not be. Take  a good look at the dept clock for this nation.

At the time I am writhing this on the 10th of September 2014 at around $5:15 Denver time slot the nation dept is rising fast enough that I can't write down the exact number how ever in the time I can it is close to 17,731,615,580,500. Of course in the time it took me to write that it rose substantially. Right next to the main U.S. Dept counter you will see that the Dept Pr Citizen which is how much each citizen would be in dept if the nations dept was distributed over the U.S. population.

So am I really dept free? Pfft yeah, but I'm still paying for a nations spending that is so alarming bad that we are on our way to $18 trillion in dept. That is scary. By all means we need to keep spending money, heck even the same amount we are now. However the way it should be spent should no be done like it is now which is basically throwing money down the toilet.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

What you assume isn't always what we think it really is.

It happened yesterday at work. A situation that got me thinking. Thinking how often we rush to conclusions, how often we assume things just based off what we see on the surface without fully noticing what might be happening underneath.

I was sitting and eating lunch in the back room of the  store I work in. One of the other employees is a teenager who had started working at the about I want to say two, or one and a half ago. She was sitting on some 24 packs of soda writing down things to bring to the front. One of the other employees walked by and told her something around the lines of, "We actually work here not just sit around." I had been sitting there for just a few minutes, and had to talked to her a bit, and she just looked at me like obviously he just doesn't realize I'm making a list and when back to what she was doing. The other employee returned and basically said something around the same thing. Some stuff about how we just don't sit around, and we actually work here and stuff that most people already know.

She defended herself of course, but he was futile as she had obviously been sitting there for twenty minutes or something like that, and told her grab something and take it out in a rude, and avoid voice. To tell you the truth the guy has a bad habit in which he starts to walk away, or turn his head when he talks oftenly making it hard to hear everything he said.

Now I'm not exactly sure if what he said is true, nor do I deny it. All I know is this. Form what I saw the teenager was oftenly called up front to work one of the register, so obviously she wasn't working, the other employee oftenly is moving around. The teenager also has been trying to work on the back items for quite some time to only have to keep getting called to the front. So could it be possible what he saw wasn't really what he thought?

Perhaps. I hate it when people just rush to conclusions, and hate it even more when people are rude about it. I think we need to stop judging everything based off what we see immediately, and try to see things as a whole. You can't say a movie sucked without seeing it, or at least a detailed review as to why it is bad. Did I think the other employee overacted? Yes. Is he wrong? I don't know. I can assume, but not fully conclude. That is all I want people to do. Assume for better or worse, conclude when we see more than what we thought we did.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Common Courtesy... Does Anyone Believe In It Anymore?

Well it's been a while since I've been so busy, but that is of no impotence. In the past weeks though I've had a thought occur to me several times. Weather it dealt with me personally, or noticed it elsewhere. Heck sometimes I just stated thinking about it. When did people stop using Common Courtesy? Common Common Courtesy is basically not being a douche bag. O.K. a less direct approach is basically not being a jerk to others with no real good apparent reason. There are times when you need to stand up to someone, but making a big deal about others beliefs, ideals, or just being a jerk for the sake of being one has no real exception in life.

You see it all the time with politics, You Tube Comments, news, any other form of media, or even just people you meet on the street. You can't escape people being an ass to others it seams these days. There's always that one douche bag acting like he's so much better than everyone around him because of the awesome ride he has, that idiot who just has to be right and anyone who doesn't agree with him is an idiot, that one person who just has to bully someone because  he just because he thinks he's all that. Yada Yada Yada it goes on and on.

I don't agree with everything that everyone says, but I no better than to just be a jerk to those I don't agree with.Now if they want to call me a moron for not blindly believe in what they do then yeah I'm fighting back, but what ever happened to people just letting others have their own opinion. Granted there are some things that are wrong just in general, but I hardly see why people should make a big deal out everything, have to act like they are so much more important then everyone else when really they aren't.