Sunday, October 5, 2014

Don't Panic; Panicking Makes Things Worse

We have all heard it. Some idiot brought Ebola onto U.S. soil. Let say two things. First and for most thanks to our president for reducing the CDC's ability for be able to prevent this in the first place with his scrapping of regulations back in 2010. Secondly don't panic.

Yeah I've heard a good amount of people saying they're worried, but I'm not. Why? Well for starters we still caught it early it seams. Add in the fact that we have a much more sanitized society than Africa, and the virus is not air born, so yeah I'm not freaking out yet, and why should I. When people panic there really is nothing but chaos.

Take the fall of the housing market leading into the slumping economy. Things started to hurt at first yet, but what really killed the economy is getting idiots yelling about burring your money in the ground and not spending  a cent to save themselves and crap like that. What did that do. People panicked, didn't spend their money, and with the lack of spending the economy tanked. What could have been an easier descent ended up being a thumble.

When people freak out problems arrise. Don't panic, and we can join together to sovle the problem. Create and spread it and then you have to worry about the original problem, plus the panic, and the aftermath of the panic.

By all means we need to be vigilant. We all have worry, and there are things we need to be aware, and worried about. Like Hilary for 2016. Though worried about that I am, educing panic will only create and open wound.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dept Free! Or Am I?

Today I took the liberty of paying off my student loan in full. It wasn't a very large student loan, but it still hurt might I add. I spent almost $2000 in one day. That's the most I've ever spent at once so far in my life. Still though that's something off my chest that I will never have to worry about anymore. I've done good staying out of dept, and will continue to do so since dept is basically making you slave to the lender in many ways. But am I truelly dept free?

Credit card is always paid off at the end of the month, loan was just taken care of, and I haven't lost any bets so how could I be. Well in all due respects I am, but in another way it seams that I might not be. Take  a good look at the dept clock for this nation.

At the time I am writhing this on the 10th of September 2014 at around $5:15 Denver time slot the nation dept is rising fast enough that I can't write down the exact number how ever in the time I can it is close to 17,731,615,580,500. Of course in the time it took me to write that it rose substantially. Right next to the main U.S. Dept counter you will see that the Dept Pr Citizen which is how much each citizen would be in dept if the nations dept was distributed over the U.S. population.

So am I really dept free? Pfft yeah, but I'm still paying for a nations spending that is so alarming bad that we are on our way to $18 trillion in dept. That is scary. By all means we need to keep spending money, heck even the same amount we are now. However the way it should be spent should no be done like it is now which is basically throwing money down the toilet.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

What you assume isn't always what we think it really is.

It happened yesterday at work. A situation that got me thinking. Thinking how often we rush to conclusions, how often we assume things just based off what we see on the surface without fully noticing what might be happening underneath.

I was sitting and eating lunch in the back room of the  store I work in. One of the other employees is a teenager who had started working at the about I want to say two, or one and a half ago. She was sitting on some 24 packs of soda writing down things to bring to the front. One of the other employees walked by and told her something around the lines of, "We actually work here not just sit around." I had been sitting there for just a few minutes, and had to talked to her a bit, and she just looked at me like obviously he just doesn't realize I'm making a list and when back to what she was doing. The other employee returned and basically said something around the same thing. Some stuff about how we just don't sit around, and we actually work here and stuff that most people already know.

She defended herself of course, but he was futile as she had obviously been sitting there for twenty minutes or something like that, and told her grab something and take it out in a rude, and avoid voice. To tell you the truth the guy has a bad habit in which he starts to walk away, or turn his head when he talks oftenly making it hard to hear everything he said.

Now I'm not exactly sure if what he said is true, nor do I deny it. All I know is this. Form what I saw the teenager was oftenly called up front to work one of the register, so obviously she wasn't working, the other employee oftenly is moving around. The teenager also has been trying to work on the back items for quite some time to only have to keep getting called to the front. So could it be possible what he saw wasn't really what he thought?

Perhaps. I hate it when people just rush to conclusions, and hate it even more when people are rude about it. I think we need to stop judging everything based off what we see immediately, and try to see things as a whole. You can't say a movie sucked without seeing it, or at least a detailed review as to why it is bad. Did I think the other employee overacted? Yes. Is he wrong? I don't know. I can assume, but not fully conclude. That is all I want people to do. Assume for better or worse, conclude when we see more than what we thought we did.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Common Courtesy... Does Anyone Believe In It Anymore?

Well it's been a while since I've been so busy, but that is of no impotence. In the past weeks though I've had a thought occur to me several times. Weather it dealt with me personally, or noticed it elsewhere. Heck sometimes I just stated thinking about it. When did people stop using Common Courtesy? Common Common Courtesy is basically not being a douche bag. O.K. a less direct approach is basically not being a jerk to others with no real good apparent reason. There are times when you need to stand up to someone, but making a big deal about others beliefs, ideals, or just being a jerk for the sake of being one has no real exception in life.

You see it all the time with politics, You Tube Comments, news, any other form of media, or even just people you meet on the street. You can't escape people being an ass to others it seams these days. There's always that one douche bag acting like he's so much better than everyone around him because of the awesome ride he has, that idiot who just has to be right and anyone who doesn't agree with him is an idiot, that one person who just has to bully someone because  he just because he thinks he's all that. Yada Yada Yada it goes on and on.

I don't agree with everything that everyone says, but I no better than to just be a jerk to those I don't agree with.Now if they want to call me a moron for not blindly believe in what they do then yeah I'm fighting back, but what ever happened to people just letting others have their own opinion. Granted there are some things that are wrong just in general, but I hardly see why people should make a big deal out everything, have to act like they are so much more important then everyone else when really they aren't.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Well Said Once Again.

Basically what I would have said. It's not a gun problem. The media is trying to make it seam like it is, but it isn't. Criminals don't care if guns are legal or not.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Well said Pan Pizza

This video reminded me about peoples opinions. Just becasue we don't agree doesn't mean people are stupid. Other factors determine that. A good example is part of a comment that I put on his video.

" I hate COD, and Katie Perry but I don't hate people who like those things I just don't personally understand why. I love My Little Pony and My Chemical Romance. Not everyone else does. That's fine. What I really hate is how people just have to say things suck. I think Katie Perry sucks, but I'm not going to tell people who like her that that's just rude. Just because you don't like something someone else loves doesn't mean you need to be a d*** about. I wont force my likes on you don't force your hate on me, and vise verse."

I just watched the video I just thought I would share it, and the actually pretty smart way of saying it. Or at least I thought he sounded smart.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Fourth of July

Happy Fourth of July. Our nation is now 238 years old. Remember it's not just about blowing stuff up, steak, burgers, and parades. It's about 238 years of liberty, trials, and sweat and blood that made this nation from day one. Remember that flag doesn't mean Merica. It means America. The land of the free, and the home of the brave. This country has many many problems, but I still love it none the less knowing that out of any country in existence we can make the best of it.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Well Well Well

Look what we have here. Someone on CNN saying that the NRA is not part of the problem. I must say I'm a bit surprised. Maybe Mr. Moore, and Bloomberg will learn something.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

We Don't See, but We Need To Know It Exists

I watched a movie the other day that got me thinking. It is an anime movie known as Kite Liberator. It is a sort of sequel to the original cult classic Kite. That doesn't matter really though, what matters is the premise the what the movie is about. The movies are both about a young school girl who lives a double life. By day she's a normal girl, but at night she's an assassin who hunts down sexual predators. Both lead girls in the movies have had to go though some form sexual assault, and such themselves. There pretty cool movies, but the the idea got me sort of thinking. How many children, teens, and mostly woman have to deal with sexually predators.

It's sad to have too hear Amber Alerts from time to time. I remember a quote from Batman Beyond in which Terry remarks "I can't believe all these children are missing." Then Bruce says "Believe it." Then there are things like what happens in the movie Taken. Human trafficking is a real thing, and unfortunately seams to have no end. I only wish to make some awareness to it. I feel that it just isn't mentioned enough these days. I remember in school, and on T.V. as a child there used to be so much on stranger danger and such. Nowadays days it seam non existent.

I believe we need more awareness of things such as sexual predators, and human trafficking. Part of helping the problem is realizing it, and I just don't feel that is being approached enough. Politicians focus so much on things like gay rights, abortions, and gun control when there are far more serious matters at hand. Hell I think an unnamed assassin who hunts down rapist is probably something we need. Because the way I see it most people don't realize how serious this is. We don't see it, but we need to know it exists. There will never be a full solution, but that doesn't mean we can't fight back against the problem.

Some people deserve a bullet to the head, but no one should ever have to live wondering weather their daughter is alive, or has been subjected to worse.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Best Insult I've Ever Made So Far

I don't normally just openly insult people in the You Tube comment section. Even in an argument, but over the course of a few days I've had this one with some  guy on You Tube that has been rather heated, but yet I was rather chill with. Not get angry really at all in fact. Just pointing things out the best I can, about the most insulting I did was calling him a narcissist, and hypocrite. But there comes a time when people take things to a low that insulting them is just too easy. He blatantly just said, not in exact words, that since I'm religious I'm just wrong. Now he was basically just saying I was wrong and he is just right from the beggining but such arrogance is just about over kill. So I did my explanation as to how he wrong for what he said in a rather intelligent way. Then I finished with this insult.

Go preach you hypocrisy,and narcissism somewhere else. Like your mirror. Maybe you'll arouse yourself with your false sense of pride, and arrogance and then proceed to jerk off into the face of the world.

I know there are better insults out there, but so far it is the best insult I've ever said. 

In the end I'm not here to talk about my "victory" if you call it that. It never was about that from the beginning. I just think this story would be funny, and maybe enjoyable. Maybe it was, or wasn't in the end I still perceive it to be.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Narcissism... I Think Thats Part Of The Problem

I love this country despite it's problems. That being said lets talk about one of those problems. It sort of hit me a while ago. I don't know how or why but it just sort of popped into my mind. One of the problems that we have in this nations government and politics is that people don't get involved or support a cause, or side because they find it necessarily right, whether morally, economically, or just plain in the best for the country, but because they are narcissists. Lets think about this in more depth.

Lets look at our president. Is he president because he wants what's best for this country, or is it because he's a narcissist who does it for the glory, fame, and free benefits. I believe so. You don't have too agree with me, but judging by the way he runs things I wouldn't be surprised. He talks of change, offers benefits to illegal immigrants, has our welfare in the biggest mess it's ever been. I believe he knows that by giving people free stuff he gets his high chair.

Now lets look at Liberals. O.K. O.K. we can put conservatives here too, but I feel liberals milk it the most. Why do I think some people are liberal? Because it makes them feel better than others, feel more important, like they are doing the world a favor by fighting or such a good cause such as Obama Care, allowing illegal immigrants to just come as they please, and fighting for civil rights that have existed since the 60's.

They voted for Obama because they are narcissists. Because by voting for democrat they are voting for a good cause by helping everyone with their socialistic that "help" everyone.

Now I know I can't blame every liberal for this. I also can say that yes conservatives do the same bull shit I know, I know I want be completely biased. Still are people voting because they really think it's right, or because it makes them look so special, important, and for such a "good cause". Fueling their feel goods for themselves rather than logically thinking. If you voted for Obama fine, but I at least want you to think exactly why.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

My favorite part is how he calls gun free zones placebo affects. That's a good way of putting it, but unlike in the medical world mind over matter doesn't work for mass shooters.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Yup here's a good one.

I really hate it when anti gun groups blame the legal ownership of guns on crime when whether they are legal or not criminals will still have them. In this case this guy on the left thinks gun sellers supply criminals, and the guy on the right makes a point that just because people abuse guns doesn't mean it's the sellers fault just like you can't blame steel, and food companies for making people fat for making spoons. There are so analogies that can fit this.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Why We Hate Change

It happens. Things change for better or for worse, and often we don't like change. Growing up is by far the worse change as you see you youth flash before our eyes knowing it will be left behind. Despite change we the only thing we can do is embrace it. Unfortunately it is harder then we expect it.

The worst kind of change is the one that leaves us hanging. It's one thing to adjust to change with the uncertainty of the unknown, but when change comes too sudden, leaves you at some sort of cliff hanger, or leaves with a sense of a certain special form of uncertainty that can't be explained.

Good examples are the death of a pet, break ups, marriage of a close family member or friend, Cough! End of Season 4 of My Little Pony, Cough!, and basically anything that leaves you wondering how things will continue from here with the changes at hand.

We all go through it, but I just felt that maybe by writing about this might ease others, as well as myself. The past few months have been filled with uncertainty, confusion, and the unknown prospect of being left to dangle in a sort of purgatory I guess. Sometimes you just need to say something to relieve yourself, and hopefully help others do the same.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

I laugh at myself. HA HA!

I have a little belief. On second thought I believe it to the core. One of the best ways to learn to like yourself, develop a sense of humor, and become a better person is to make complete fun of yourself. I do it all the time, and it's rather fun. You know what quirks about yourself are a bit weird, or different and you make complete fun of yourself. You learn to laugh at yourself, and by doing so you learn more about yourself as well.

Just look at me. I'm a 20 year old who still watches cartoons, thinks the only thing better than girls and guns is girls with guns, and I'm a Brony. Top that all off I just find myself weird. I can't even completely explain why. That's just it. You know about yourself, but at the same part not entirely why. That's just the fun in learning.

So make fun of yourself as I will continue to. Because in reality we are all weird and we need to know about it.

FYI I made that my self on the Taste of Awesome sites generator.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

So Much For Gun Control

I don't normally like to put two post close together, but I gotta put this up. We all know how strict gun control in Australia is right? Well to no surprise it aint doing much to stop criminals from obtain, and even making their own. Do realize that some guns are easy to make on normal metal working machinery. Hell some of these are automatic, and have suppressors built onto them. Just read the article, and watch the two videos. It is pretty interesting to see.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Chicago Conceal and Carry Makes a Point.

Well it's been a while since I posted anything, but this time I got something that gonna make you smile as if Pinkie Pie just shot pizza rolls out of her party cannon at you while Rainbow Dash blows up another barn with a sonic rainboom. Only instead of My Little Pony and pizza rolls we get proof that allowing Americans to own fire arms is a good thing.

We all heard Pierce Morgans final words right? You know that whole mouth full on how gun control is of the up most importance, and how allowing civilians to own guns will only lead to more deaths. Well not only has he never looked up Utah, Wyoming, and other conservative states with high gun ownership, and lower violence than many liberal states, but he also did not know this.

Apparently since the state of Illinois has allowed the ownership for conceal and carry the increase in permits has actually cause murder rates and shooting to go down. Though even the article says it too early to tell if this is a direct result I'm pretty sure most of us know that in due time it will show like sore thumb. Only problem being that anti gun groups don't like sore thumbs and will do what they can to cover it in some shade of lie, or confusion. All in all it is a good article to read.

Monday, March 10, 2014

The U.S. is Stock Piling Coffins For Citizens When Martial Law Takes Hold?

I've seen some videos,and pictures. My interest in looking into it came up after some so called survival expert video on how is video will save you life from martial law if you buy it. Yeah you obviously know paranoid right wingers will buy your shit because you claim to be better than everyone else. That doesn't sound like a cash cow. But I'm not here to talk about the video. I'm here to talk about how the U.S. government and FEFA camps are preparing for martial law, and how the stock up off disposable plastic coffin liners are proof of that. Apparently when martial law is made whether by a government bio weapon attack on the nations citizens, or economic collapse fallowed by U.S. forces forcing everyone there will be so many bodies that they will bury them in these plastic coffins by the masses in order to gain control.

Sounds ridiculous? That's because it is. Now don't get me wrong. I believe martial law is a threat to this country. But this is paranoia. First of all people are getting pictures and video of these things. I watched a video of guy and his friends actually climbing into one of the containers. Wouldn't you think the government would be a bit more quite about this?

Secondly the only real show to show this was that lame conspiracy show on TruTV. You know the "reality show" channel that only shows like three actually real reality shows. You got this show that sounds so forced. Just listen to the guy staring the show. He sounds like he's trying his best to make it sound serious on purpose on every episode. The show is paced and toned to make people feel what they are seeing is real. I even checked news sites for stuff on this, no surprise. Nothing. Not even Fox News had anything. If any news would mention this it would be fox news. I guess that's what happens when all the sites that claim this when I Google searched look like they were done by some redneck in his trailer.

What are these things really? I think they are for emergencies. I'm not keeping the idea of martial law completely out of context, but lets think. How many enemies does the U.S. have? How many would gladly launch a nuke, or bio weapon? Yeah... not to mention that natural disasters including plagues are a real thing to just happen on there own. It isn't comforting either, but most likely this is for in case of a pandemic, or terrorist attack. Two real things that I know can actually happen. Because I  highly doubt our own armed forces who die, and love this country, and do so much for us would turn on us to enforce martial law. I don't care if they are fallowing orders they aren't brain washed Hitler Youth.

Am I worried about martial law? Yes, but I think it is more likely to happen due to our nations economic collapse resulting in a incident like Germany after the Treaty of Versailles. It will get so bad that people will vote for the totalitarian leader to make changes. Now that I feel is real. Not mass murder with no real evidence.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Stupid Part 2

After posting the last post I got sort of an mind blown. I talked about how people are stupid for not taking responsibility and blindly fallowing people. Then it hit me. There is one other major thing all stupid people go through. Liberal, Conservative, and everyone else. That is the fact that we refuse to listen, learn, and think. Listen to a political argument. Whether it's Fox or CNN doesn't matter, because both are stupid. I hate it when people make fun of Fox, when all the other news groups are no better, and one of those things is that they argue like morons.

Watch any argument. What happens? Both sides yell and whine about each others ideals, and both sides call each other morons when in reality both are, because neither are getting anywhere. It doesn't matter who's wrong or right because we can all be right. As stated in the last post; it's just human error. If I'm stupid because I don't think Obama care is a good idea then are you stupid because you don't know nuclear physics. Oh no that would be ridiculous, but someone who gets one thing right/ or wrong in politics obviously determines their intelligence. Really it's just ignorance. Both sides are not willing to listen to each other is the real problem.

If you want to make an intelligent argument then both sides need to state their points, and listen to each other and try to make their claims respectfully and sincerely. It doesn't matter if your right or wrong because once again that's just human error. Both sides still might not agree but if both still understand why the other side believes and why then all that happens is that knowledge is passed on. But if you get what most people on YouTube seem to be then you are and idiot.

If you have that mentality that if people don't agree with you then they are idiots, and no matter how much information they give to prove you wrong they are still idiots because they don't fallow you then you are the one who is the idiot. We can't all be right, but if you are so ignorant to base peoples intelligence based of YouTube comments, and their political beliefs then you are the true idiot. You need to stop putting everyone else down, and try to understand the other side, stop being a broken record, and just try to listen and see what the other person says. Wrong or right you are the moron if you fail to acknowledge human error.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What is stupid?

I say it all the time. I don't always necessarily mean it, but I still say it. Liberals are stupid. Of course that isn't exactly true. Many actually do believe in there beliefs, and feel they are best. Though I disagree I don't think those people are stupid, but just simply suffer from human error, which lets face it all of us suffer from the exact same thing just in different ways. Those who are stupid, well...

In a past post I made a statement about not blindly fallowing political parties. Those are the stupid Liberals I am talking about. What is stupid? The answer is simple. It's  people not only have no idea what they are talking about, but get their ideas purely from others, or out of spite of greed when it comes to the welfare mess. Stupidity isn't that people are wrong, because then we would all be stupid because we are never all right. Once again that's just human error. What stupidity is on this case is that these stupid Liberals just have to be right. Hell lets stop picking on Liberals and point some fingers at conservatives to because even they suffer the same problem.

Stupidity on either side truly is people not willing to swallow their pride and admit they are wrong. There is nothing wrong with fighting to the end, but when the end comes some times you just got to take responsibility. Which is a big problem in this country. No one is taking responsibility. Those who don't are stupid. I'm talking to you you pathetic excuse for a president. Of course the only thing that may be worse is how stupid people are to not let themselves, and others take responsibility.

I could go on about stupid, but I think I've made this confusing and elaborate enough. I wasn't necessarily here to bash Liberals, though I did it just for fun, but I wish people would stop calling everyone stupid for not believing in there beliefs, and instead notice it's just human error. Till you realize that you pretty much are quite stupid. Liberal, or Conservative, and everything else political, you are stupid.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

A New Cool Piece of Tech

O.K. this new devise called TRITON give you the ability to breath under water. It's like artifictial gills. It's really cool how it works. Just read the article. I've always imagined something like this. Now it exists and I want one.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Disney allows gay? I don't care.

Oh the things that have been going around. Disney for it's first time is putting a gay couple on one of its sitcoms. And people are freaking out. O.K. I know. I'm a Mormon who thinks homosexuality is wrong, and that we should not act like is something special. Mostly because it's about as special as a box of cereal really I don't see why if someone is gay should make a big freaking deal. And that's just it. Yes I know it is "wrong", but blocking our kids out from it won't help. As wrong as it may sound kids in a sense do need to see this. If parents want to teach their kids what is wrong if homosexuality then their kids need to know what it actually is. And if you support  homosexuality, then it works vise versa in which you can tell your kids it's O.K.. I personally wouldn't, but one has the right to say you can't. It's called the 1st amendment.

If you don't want your kids to watch, then simply tell them not too, and more importantly why. Because my parents told me not to watch a bunch of shows as a kid, didn't tell me why, and I watched them. It's about making people understand, not ranting about how it's so wrong and how Disney should be ashamed, and of course you have those ass holes who have to make such a big deal about it they just say shit that doesn't need to be said. Do I think it's wrong? Yes. Will I go out to accuse Disney to be a terrible company? Yes, and no. No the the  homosexuality part because I really don't care despite how they probably shouldn't. Yes, because well...

I hate Disney sitcoms. They're not funny, the actors are terrible,  they are always about some happy go lucky rich family who has the stupidest problems to deal with, and could the writhing be any worse. Yeah keep playing that laugh track, because I sure as hell aint laughing. Never mind  homosexuality, I'm just pissed that Disney keeps making their mill of the run bad sitcoms that our kids, normally girls, blindly watch because every other girl likes the same going to be a slut some day Disney pop star, wizard, and a bad singer with petty problems who lives a pent house, is rich, likes boys, and you get where I'm getting.

The real thing wrong with Disney isn't that they are allowing something controversial into one of their productions. Hell I can tell ya why Hunchback is my favorite Disney movie. Because they dared put questionable things into their productions; it aint new. The real bone we need to pick with Disney is how much market gimmick they do, and how they can get away with because they take advantage of our youth. There's a real thing to be angry about. Sure I love Disney, and am even exited for some movies they have coming out, or have come out, but one thing is for sure the real evil of Disney is their terrible sitcoms.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

China's air pollution is affecting us.

I hate environmentalists. O.K. I'm sure there are some who actually know what they are talking about, and hate is a bit of a strong word, but I hate all the crap we here. Especially about not using our own resources. I find it stupid how we wont use our own resources that not only would help restore our economy, but that we have nothing wrong with buying lots of our stuff from a country that still has slaves, and oppresses their citizens like any other "Communistic" country has. (Note I have nothing wrong with buying foreign I believe in a global market) I could talk about that, but there's been a series news reports about how China pollution is affecting us.

Do you know why so much is bought from China? Because it's cheap. Why? Because they have little to know environmental regulation. That's right we cant dig a whole in a ground in our country with all our regulations that would make is to we couldn't just dump sludge into rivers, but hell it's O.K. for their country to dig a whole in the ground and then pump their rivers with toxic sludge. At least it's not our country that could do all that and not ruin the environment.

Despite it being well across the world China's air pollution is affecting us. I hate air pollution as much as everyone else, but thought America is a major air polluter, it is no where near as a country with an absolute lack of regulation.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

There's gotta be a better way.

It seams that when every a semester of school comes around I tend to say something about text books. You know just how useless, or overburdening they are. This time though I thought I would just talk about lack of effectiveness of college all together. My biggest problem with text books, and teachers in college is that I just find it a rather stupid way to do it. Not only do I find it a wast of time, but of money, and an actual learning ability. To tell you the truth I find the idea of letting the text book be the main focus of homework rather lazy, and in no way thought out.

If anything I think it's just way for teachers to dodge doing their real jobs. Teaching. Unfortunately it seems like so many teachers only talk a bit about the topic in class then set you out to do the real learning and work on your own. Not only do I find this ineffective, but burdening. So many teachers teach this way, and it is a pain in the ass to have to read more then one text book, plus all the homework with the little time I have for myself as it is in the day. So yeah thanks professors for wasting my time. Time that would be more open if you would do your job, and actually teach or review things in class.

The best way I think to learn is hands on in class. Some people learn better from reading text books, but one things for sure I'm not one of them. Not only do I read slower than most people I have a hard time keeping focused on them. Why? Because they are beyond boring and spend more time rambling on about stuff then actually teaching me. I swear finding actually information in a text book is more like reading Where's Waldo, or in this case Where is the Actually Information?

I have nothing against a little homework. You don't always have time to write an essay in class, but it's when you have to write an essay or two, read a few text books, do a quiz on the text books, plus what ever else you got that things become beyond ridicules. Ultimately I think the center of learning should take place in class itself. I find it much more effective to take notes in class, and be able to use them. Because you will remember so much more from you notes then reading a damn text book any day.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Why do people still smoke?

I was watching the episode of King of the Hill when Hank catches his son Bobby smoking a cigarette, and after Hank begins smoking again who family is hooked and has to go through the hardships of quitting. It's a good episode, but it got me thinking. Why do people still smoke?

There was a time when we didn't know smoking was bad, and those people have no need to feel bad. It was a different time. But it is the 21st century and we still have people smoking. Now I know. It is additive and hard to break so many want to but just cant shake the cravings. But how did they get there in the first place. Now some got pressured in by friends, which is sad to know your friends are trying to kill you, but why does that happen? Why do people despite the facts smoke? It causes lung cancer, heart disease, and much more that I probably don't know about. Cigarette contain arsenic, nickel, and other substances that are must plane out nasty for the body. So again why do people still smoke?

Is it really cool? Because then if so is suicide cool? Granted some people still live long lives whiles smoking, but not everyone is so lucky, nor do I think people who smoke at the age of 85 feel very well, and it aint just because of the age.

What ever it is I still find myself scratching my head wondering why is this still a problem?

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Sometimes we just need a laugh. Weather you find it funny or not I sure found my myself laughing.