Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dept Free! Or Am I?

Today I took the liberty of paying off my student loan in full. It wasn't a very large student loan, but it still hurt might I add. I spent almost $2000 in one day. That's the most I've ever spent at once so far in my life. Still though that's something off my chest that I will never have to worry about anymore. I've done good staying out of dept, and will continue to do so since dept is basically making you slave to the lender in many ways. But am I truelly dept free?

Credit card is always paid off at the end of the month, loan was just taken care of, and I haven't lost any bets so how could I be. Well in all due respects I am, but in another way it seams that I might not be. Take  a good look at the dept clock for this nation.

At the time I am writhing this on the 10th of September 2014 at around $5:15 Denver time slot the nation dept is rising fast enough that I can't write down the exact number how ever in the time I can it is close to 17,731,615,580,500. Of course in the time it took me to write that it rose substantially. Right next to the main U.S. Dept counter you will see that the Dept Pr Citizen which is how much each citizen would be in dept if the nations dept was distributed over the U.S. population.

So am I really dept free? Pfft yeah, but I'm still paying for a nations spending that is so alarming bad that we are on our way to $18 trillion in dept. That is scary. By all means we need to keep spending money, heck even the same amount we are now. However the way it should be spent should no be done like it is now which is basically throwing money down the toilet.

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