Sunday, August 17, 2014

Common Courtesy... Does Anyone Believe In It Anymore?

Well it's been a while since I've been so busy, but that is of no impotence. In the past weeks though I've had a thought occur to me several times. Weather it dealt with me personally, or noticed it elsewhere. Heck sometimes I just stated thinking about it. When did people stop using Common Courtesy? Common Common Courtesy is basically not being a douche bag. O.K. a less direct approach is basically not being a jerk to others with no real good apparent reason. There are times when you need to stand up to someone, but making a big deal about others beliefs, ideals, or just being a jerk for the sake of being one has no real exception in life.

You see it all the time with politics, You Tube Comments, news, any other form of media, or even just people you meet on the street. You can't escape people being an ass to others it seams these days. There's always that one douche bag acting like he's so much better than everyone around him because of the awesome ride he has, that idiot who just has to be right and anyone who doesn't agree with him is an idiot, that one person who just has to bully someone because  he just because he thinks he's all that. Yada Yada Yada it goes on and on.

I don't agree with everything that everyone says, but I no better than to just be a jerk to those I don't agree with.Now if they want to call me a moron for not blindly believe in what they do then yeah I'm fighting back, but what ever happened to people just letting others have their own opinion. Granted there are some things that are wrong just in general, but I hardly see why people should make a big deal out everything, have to act like they are so much more important then everyone else when really they aren't.

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