Friday, March 15, 2013

Leave it to Michael Moore

Can I just say how big of an ass Michael Moore is. I get the idea of showing horrors to help people understand the terrible things that happen, and need to be prevented, but use the gruesome shot up photos of the Sandy Hook shooting victims to demonize the NRA is just a ass a nine, and futile below the belt move that will only convince those ignorant enough to believe it. Which sadly is a lot of people. Its like posting pictures of fat starving African children and saying donate your money to save these kids, when the charity your donating to goes strait to the war lords that help cause the problem in the first place. I hate school shootings just as much as anyone else, but the NRA is not the problem. But that is a post for another time. What grinds my gears is the fact that he would do such a disrespectful thing in the place. I can't even image how those parents feel after hearing about those pictures of their dead children were posted on a blog for political gain. Dishonorable, and disgraceful. Sometimes people take their first amendment rights just a little to far.

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